Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   



Cortinarius (Telamonia) ?diasemospermus


Small, low mushroom; cap to 20 mm diameter, conical with rounded umbo and inturned margin; orange-brown in colour; surface finely scurfy in outer part (universal veil remnants). White cortina fibres cover the gills in fresh individuals. Gills cinnamon coloured and not dense; adnate / emarginate; Stem white; to 50 x 5 mm; weakly bulbous at base; remnants of white fibrous ring usually evident; remainder of stem with white fibrils that are the remainder of the cortina. Without distinct smell. Spore print cinnamon brown. Spores small, ovoid and amygdaloid without a germ pore; surface distinctly granular; 6.6-7.5 x 4.3-5.0 um (mean = 7.0 x 4.7 um: Q = 1.5). No cystidia.

Identification tentative; differs from C. hemitrichus in having more spaced gills, less conical profile and less scaly surface. Its pores have a more granular surface.


Small patch of individuals near damson tree.

Months observed