Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Reddish-brown cap, initially campanulate becoming low domal; up to 30 mm diameter; surface breaking into radial fibres away from umbo; underlying flesh off-white; edge of cap in campanulate forms with white veil remnants. Gills white, adnate with a slight notch close to attachment; gill edges distinctly frayed. Stem to 50 x 4.5 mm; white, dry, covered in fine hairs (caulicystidia) expanded at base into a distinct terminal bulb. Spore print orange-brown. Spores strongly nodulose, 8.8-11.4 x 8.4-11.0 um, mean = 10.1 x 9.1 um; Qav = 1.1. Cheilocystidia abundant, slender lageniform without a shoulder and with crystal encrustation of the head; pleurocustidia fewer in number but similar.
Easily distinguished from I. pusio by its spores.
In grass at edge of cut-leaf beech canopy by yew; 3-4 individuals