Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap (to 23 mm) low domed to slight central umbo and pinkish-violet hue; wrinkled with outer zone of radial striae; edge crenulate; hygrophanous, drying to a off-white. Gills whitish with a violaceous tinge; adnexed. Stem to 55 x 3 mm, with a violaceous pink tinge that is more pronounced towards the base; hollow and smooth. Spore print white. Spores hyaline in KOH, amyloid in Metzer’s; sausage-shaped and more or less smooth; 6.2-8.0 x 3.0-3.6 um, mean = 7.1 x 3.2 um, N = 20; Qav = 2.2. Gill edge sterile, with abundant cylindrical to laganiform cheilocystidia. No pleurocystidia. Distinguished from M. pearsoniana by its adnexed gills and more elongate spores.
Under Julian's Early apple tree.