Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Rosy bonnet 

Mycena rosea


Disc wide domed to flat; pink-coloured centrally with outer paler zone marked with radial bands that have a relatively few strong striae; hygrophanous, drying to an off-white. Gills white, adnexed-emarginate, moderately dense with 3 size-cycles; no coloured edge, no gill mottling. Stem to 45 x 5.5 mm; pale, smooth, white, expanded downwards; hollow. Spore print pale. Spores brown in Metzer’s; ellipsoidal; thick-walled with slightly irregular surface; 6.2-7.8 x 4.0-5.0, mean = 7.2 x 4.5 um N= 16; Qav. = 1.6. Cystidia mostly clavate without fingers, some clusters verging towards lageniform in shape.

Easily distinguished from the other pink Mycena at Pointfield, M. pearsoniana by its adnexed, emarginate gills.


On grass path under the walnut trees.

Months observed