Natural history of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso from 2015   

Index to insects other than lepidoptera

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Two-spot ladybird
Adalia bipunctata
Seven-spot ladybird
Coccinella septempunctata
Ten-spot ladybird
Adalia decempunctata
Eleven-spot ladybird
Coccinella undecimpunctata
14-spot ladybird
Propylea quattuordecimpunctata
Orange ladybird
Halyzia sedecimguttata
Cream-spot ladybird
Calvia quattuordecimguttata
Larch ladybird
Aphidecta obliterata
Great diving beetle (larva)
Dityscus marginalis
Thistle tortoise beetle
Cassida rubiginosa
Click beetle
Agriotes sputator
Click beetle
Melanotus castanipes
Sexton beetle
Nicrophorus investigator
Black sexton beetle
Nicrophorus humator
Dung beetle
Acrossus depressus
Sap beetle
Glischrochilus hortensis
Cereal leaf beetle
Oulema duftschmidi/melanopus agg.
Silken fungus beetle
Antherophagus pallens
Scarlet lily cardinal
Lilioceris lilii
Common red soldier beetle
Rhagonycha fulva
Soldier beetle
Cantharis decipiens
Longhorn beetle
Grammoptera ruficornis
Four-banded longhorn
Leptura quadrifasciata
Tanbark borer longhorn
Phymatodes testaceus
Chrysomelid beetle
Phratora vulgatissima
Ptiniid beetle
Ptinus sexpunctatus
Tenebrionid beetle
Lagria hirta
Ground beetle
Agonum ?fuliginosum
Ground beetle
Agonum sp.
Ground beetle
Calanthus rotundicollis
Ground beetle
Leistus spinibarbis
Ground beetle
Leistus ferrugineus
Ground beetle
Badister bullatus
Ground beetle
Nebria brevicollis/salina agg.
Ground beetle
Notiophilus biguttatus
Scraptiid beetle
Anaspis sp.
Rove beetle
Philonthus sp.
Rove beetle
Tasgius ?malanarius
Rove beetle
Xantholinus sp.
Nettle weevil
Phyllobius pomaceus
Four-spot weevil
Nedyus quadrimaculatus
Vine weevil
Otiorhynchus sulcatus
Clay-coloured weevil
Otiorhynchus singularis
Pea-leaf weevil
Sitona ?lineatus
Barynotus moerens
?Rhinoncus pericarpius